COROSTANG - 12 scale (+10%) legal combat

I was looking into for some time, because I relized that these guys have awesome ideas. My first SPAD was PBF. I have painted my PBF-Extra 300 to look like a real plane, but it wasn't enough. I wanted cheap, simple but plane-like looking SPAD. My choice was the COROSTANG.
The only problem was (like everyone else has) gluing coroplast. After some research on the Internet and trying each method in my garadge I have found that the best way is:
1. Clean the coro with mineral spirit (paint thinner)
2. Wipe off the mineral spirit from the coro until it's dry
3. Run a woodpecker tool on both surfaces (if gluing wood to coro, it doesn't hurt to peck the wood too)
4. Wet one surface with water (if gluing wood to coro, wet wood only)
5. Lay a gnerus layer of Gorilla Brand Premium Glue (the thing that foams when it dries)
6. Clamp the joint for about 1/2 - 1 hour.
The foam from the glue makes ittle rivets that make the joint bullet proof.

For gluing small pieces of balsa to coro I found that it is enough to scrub coroplast with 300 sanding paper and medium CA sticks well.

Now, having this worked out I was on my way to start the COROSTANG. I decided that if this plane works I will build other warbirds the same way. The whole series I named COROMBAT SERIES.
I have change the wing design a little by using 1"x1/4" spruce (from Home Depot) for the one piece spar. The dehidral is only at the bottom of the wing as the spar is 1" thick at the root and 1/4" at the tip. I have also added wingtips (like the COROSPIT has) for a little better scale look. The rest is preatty much the oroginal design except that I have used CF wing dowels and CF pushrods.

To get the proper CG I had to put both servos and the battery all the way back in the fuselage. It gives me plenty room for smoke system (shh... my next project).

Here are the specifications:
- Wingspan = 43"
- Length = 34"
- Dry weight = 42oz (wingloading = 18oz/sqft)
- Power = Magnum 25 XL BB
- Fuel tank = Sullivan 6 oz
- Battery = 6V 720mAh NiMh
- Servos = 2 x HS-81MG (elevator and ailerones) HS-81 (throttle)
- Receiver = Hitec 555

Now here some picturs:

Front view

The wing is slick - this plane should be fast

Bottom view. No landing gear

Front flutes are sealed with some silicone stuff

All servos, battery and receiver are all way in the back

The battery is under the balsa piece glued to the sides of the fuselage

Fuel tank fits very well

Home made elevator horn

Home made elevator pushrods

Home made CF pushrods